Peter Goldenring, May 16, 10:31am

From: G&P Attorneys <>
Date: Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 10:31 AM
To: Michael MacDonald <>, Joe Schroeder <>
Cc: Council <>
Subject: -EXT- Council 5/21 Item 12

Dear Michael:  As you are aware Council appointed a subcommittee to meet and be the point for Council on Main Street Moves.   That subcommittee has met twice.  At NEITHER of the meetings has staff presented nor sought input from the community nor the subcommittee on the item now set on council’s agenda as above delineated.  We believe this to be contrary to the express purpose and appointment of the subcommittee–such matters as Item 12 were intended to be and I believe required to be first presented for input and comment to the subcommittee.  This process has been bypassed by staff.   Neither have minutes been prepared for the subcommittee.  And, the staff report is silent relative to the substantial opposition to MSM presented at both meetings and the comments of the subcommittee.   Further, the staff report is silent as to the directions from the subcommittee to staff which still have not been followed.  Finally, I am not aware of any reports from the subcommittee to the Council and I do not see that on the agenda for 5/21. 

Accordingly, so that the Council for the above item has full transparency to what occurred at the subcommittee meetings and to legally augment and insure that the Administrative Record is full and complete we request that the following occur:

l.  That the Council members be provided the direct links to the two subcommittee meetings which are on video and audio and requested to review the meetings in their entirety including the public comments;

2. That all written materials provided to the subcommittee including any Memorandum on the subjects be transmitted to all council members; and

3.  That the foregoing be made formally part of the administrative record for the proceedings on May 21 Item 12.

If there is any issue or problem with accomplishing this, please let me know promptly.

As always I appreciate your professionalism and assistance.

Respectfully, all rights are reserved.



Peter A Goldenring

Pachowicz | Goldenring APLC 

6050 Seahawk St. 
Ventura, CA 93003 
(805) 642-6702 
Fax (805) 642-3145