Main Street Moves, latest documents

Here are documents related to Main Street Moves, so you can see what’s going on before Council makes a decision on May 21. (Please note, while Peter Goldenring is chair of Downtown Ventura Partners, DVP has nothing to do with Main Street Moves. In all but his first email, Mr. Goldenring is speaking as a community member who owns a small fraction of the properties in the closure area.)

May 21 Council Agenda

Staff report, May 21 meeting Agenda Item 12, Main Street Moves Continue Closure

a. Adopt a Resolution determining that specified portions of Main Street and California
Street are no longer needed for vehicular traffic pursuant to California Vehicle Code
Section 21101(a)(1).
b. Approve extending the Main Street Moves closure of such streets through January 31,
2025, and find that the continued closure is categorically exempt from the California
Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Sections 15301, 15061, and 15300.2(c) of the
CEQA Guidelines.
Main Street Moves Continued Closure


Peter Goldenring, May 15, 6:55pm

Peter Goldenring, May 15, 8:50pm

Jeremy Ireland, May 16, 10:28am

Peter Goldenring, May 16, 10:31am

Peter Goldenring, May 16, 10:36am

Bill Ayub to Peter Goldenring, May 16, 3:32pm

Bill Ayub to Peter Goldenring, May 16, 3:48pm

Peter Goldenring, May 16, 3:53pm

Peter Goldenring, May 16, 4:03pm

Bill Ayub to Peter Goldenring, May 16, 4:14pm

Peter Goldenring, May 16, 4:59pm