Jeremy Ireland, May 16, 10:28am

From: Jeremy Ireland <>
Date: Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 10:28 AM
To: Meredith Hart <>, Joe Schroeder <>, Brad “Brick” Conners <>, Andy Heglund <>, Liz Campos <>, Mike Johnson <>, Jim Duran <>, Jeannette Sanchez-Palacios <>, Bill Ayub <>, attorneys <>, <>, Doug Halter <>, Ventura Chamber of Commerce <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Kathryn Dippong-Lawson <>, Nicholas Tomasello <NICK@NU-LINEPARTNERSINC.COM>, Jeffrey Becker <>, <>

Ladies & Gentleman,

I’ve been watching this unfold for far too long and am simply unable to continue holding my frustrations back.  This my second letter to you concerning Main Street Moves.  My first sent 2/6/24 (see below) expressing my concerns as a DT property owner and sharing my experience in renting our now vacant space.  It should be noted, I didn’t receive a response from any of you.  

I’m fiercely passionate about Ventura, its rich history, and its potential to someday become an innovative & leading beach community.  This is what my partner and I are committed to building here.  No one can do it alone.  It takes a collective effort.  Unfortunately, I’ve witnessed this city misfiring on all levels during my time here with MSM being only the latest debacle.  May I remind you all of Brooks Institute and the idiotic idea of turning our downtown into a “art college” town/community like Savannah Georgia?  Another throughline exists here.  Incompetence and a lack of vision.  It could have (and should have) taken days to uncover why Brooks was an unplausible concept and like with the years of investigation conducted by our “Staff” with MSM, they’ve yet to turn up any form of realistic or even tangible plan after years of focused effort.  What they’ve presented could have been obtained in a fraction of the time and without countless dollars wasted.  We’ve been going in circles for years now while our city infrastructure bears the grunt being overlooked and neglected.  We need a change of direction.  I place zero faith in the current administrations ability to deliver.  We deserve “qualified”  leadership that can achieve our collective goals.  This is in no way personal, it’s simply time proven fact.  Our community deserves better leadership.

Time has come to create a new charter/mission to shape our city’s future.  Where are we headed?  What design/build standards will we require?  What do we expect future development to embody, reflect, & attract?  I would certainly hope your vision of the future has no bearing or reflection of MSM.  From an esthetic point of view, MSM simply put looks like crap.  “Staff” proposed design guidelines likewise look like the same repurposed parklets, just not as filthy as what we live with today.  This is a horrible representation of our city people yet for some reason you’re fighting tooth and nail to make it a permanent landmark.  

It appeared a few years back we were beginning to move in the right direction however, today’s MSM is the equivalent of taking 10 steps backwards.  After all I’ve witnessed during my time doing business here, I’m left with only one question.  WHY?  WHY is the so called “STAFF” so determined that they’d ignore the obvious and manufacture data, misrepresenting and manipulating the facts?  WHY?  Who’s giving “Staff” their direction?  Certainly not Council.  Is MSM their idea or have they taken cues from other individuals?  Be nice to finally have “real” non-biased transparency for a change.

Is it the opinion of STAFF and CITY COUNCIL DT Ventura needs gimmicks such as MSM (or a Brooks Institute) to attract future visitors to Ventura and somehow ignite our weak economy?  It’s a fair question…  News Flash:  that’s not how it works. 

I’ve witnessed City Council turn a blind eye to the insurgent uprising of other passionate and concerned property and business owners over the illegal processes this MSM initiative has been built upon.  Important to note, many business and property owners are either intimated to speak up or are filled with “Staff” misinformation and are too confused.  MSM is being led by an individual entirely unqualified in the work she’s been empowered with.  Someone with no education, background, or experience in economics nor business.  When we look back at this event, the story will tell of how city council exhibited gross negligence in their non-acknowledgment of empirical evidence, not respecting nor addressing the severe backlash from property owners, and an overall incapacity to act.   At the very least, an inability to properly address (or question) the obviously purposeful misinformation provided by “Staff” and their outside secret advisors.  

Clearly in reading the latest Staff Report dated May 15, “Staff” will stop at nothing in their pursuit to keep our streets closed off to traffic.  No matter how outrageous and delusional their argument and narrative become.  “Staff” apparently has now resorted to grasping for straws.  This is not only pathetically irresponsible, but also embarrassing.  When is enough enough?  MSM IS NOT WORKING!  THE STREET MUST BE OPENED IMMEDIATELY!

No more sidestepping or sweeping the facts under the rug.  Trying to fast track MSM into law before the people financially vested in this city have been afforded a fair hearing or even worse before anyone even figures out what has happened.  Not only is that NOT going to happen and unlike in the Brooks Institute mess which was buried under the rug, ALL involved with MSM must be held accountable for the roles they played in order to ensure these shady back door dealings lacking transparency never happen again.  You have a profound responsibility as Council Members to represent this city and taxpayers responsibly and to the best of your ability.  I’m sorry to inform you that Council appears to be failing miserably.  It’s not too late though to change the narrative.

Unfortunately, I’m terrified once again nothing will change and our esteemed City Council will act accordantly, ignoring the obvious and passing whatever instructions “STAFF” present.  Again, I ask WHY?  What is your objective?  Seriously…. To stifle progress and keep visitors and potential residents from ever coming here?  Are you people even principally invested in seeing growth and progress or are you in fact part of the “no growth” community set to derail progress?  It’d be a better show if you just poured kerosene all over Main Street and light it up cause that’s what you’re essentially doing to our businesses and property values.  They’re currently going down in flames.  Wake up Council & Staff.  The recommendation “Staff” is presenting you with in their next report is not only a pending disaster, but also a sign of their inexperience and desperation.  Our city needs you.  Business owners need you.  Developers spending millions of dollars committed to bettering our community need you.  You MUST do the right thing and open the street to vehicular traffic.  

Perhaps only once the dust has settled and the truth is revealed/exposed in a courthouse will our community get back on track and business/property owners compensated for all the extensive damages suffered resulting from this city’s gross negligence, mismanagement, and sustained business interference.  When actual dollar figures associated with DAMAGES are intermixed into your conversations maybe then you’ll regain clarity and come to your senses.  Time’s running out.  

I say this with my love, vested interest and belief in Ventura’s future as my only motivation.  I’m in the kind of business where we all win as a community if we work together and support one another.  


Jeremy Ireland


100 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 2100

Santa Monica, CA 90401

310 467 5026

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From: Jeremy Ireland <>
Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 8:53 AM
To: Meredith Hart <>
Cc: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Kathryn Dippong-Lawson <>, Nicholas Tomasello <NICK@NU-LINEPARTNERSINC.COM>, Jeffrey Becker <>, M. David Paul <>

Hi Meredith,

I feel inclined to share some of our recent experiences with you seeing as you are the city’s Economic Manager and one spearheading the Main Street Moves (MSM) initiative to move forward.

As you know, we’re currently searching for a new tenant for our Stout location @ The Yard.  Several operators have shown interest in the space however given the current climate featuring an empty Main St. (& downtown), the potential operators we’ve spoken to have expressed real trepanation committing to doing business in DT Ventura.  When we open the bi-fold door exposing an empty Main St., there are no words I can provide to counter or even cushion the blow of a lifeless downtown Main St.

You had mentioned a rumor circulating of King & Queen’s being a possible tenant for the space.  They loved the restaurant and outdoor patio spaces but were scared (and stunned) with the lack of foot traffic on Main St. and for that reason they had passed.  

Jim Avrea whom you introduced us to is also very interested in the space however, he too has expressed concerns in doing business within downtown Ventura.  “Stout on Main, great location if you are a believer in Main St. and Downtown Ventura.  I’m on the fence for a couple of reasons.  First being the closure of Main St.  NOT A FAN!!!  There is also a lot of competition for business in Ventura.  We are a sleepy town and business can be slow at times.”   This coming from a prominent local resident and business owner.  

We’re now receiving offers well below current market rates.  Unless we hire actors/extras to populate the street during future showings, I fear we’ll only continue hearing similar feedback and receive more offers well under current market rate.  Unacceptable.

The narrative we hear from the city regarding MSM is overwhelming support from DT retailers and owners however our experience couldn’t be more different.  As local business owners and property owners, let me be perfectly clear, we do NOT support MSM and believe ALL businesses on Main St would greatly benefit from the street being reopened to traffic.  No doubt the MSM initiative was appropriate during COVID however, it has proven detrimental in creating the vibrant downtown Main St. experience we along with many others are working so hard and investing so much to create.  Ventura is one of the great beach towns in So Cal.  We don’t need gimmicks to drive traffic to our community.  MSM is now proving to only drive traffic away from downtown.

I‘ve heard from multiple sources if a list of + 35% of Main St. property owners not in favor of MSM continuing were presented to the city, the city would then be required to open the street and permanently end MSM?  Is this accurate?  From our perspective, we’re confident the percentage of owners in favor of reopening Main St. is considerably larger.  The city MUST act immediately to bring energy & life back into Main St. and its painfully clear Main Street Moves is NOT the catalyst/answer the city had hoped it’d be.  


Jeremy Ireland


100 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 2100

Santa Monica, CA 90401

310 467 5026

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