Upcoming Council Meeting: Jan 23

The full agenda is available at https://www.cityofventura.ca.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_01232023-2874

The most complicated issue we’ll call is an appeal: “On September 29, 2022, the Community Development Director approved a Modification Permit per the Thomas Fire Ordinance to rebuild a single-family residence located at 196 Nob Hill Lane. The project was appealed by the appellant, William Bredberg, citing that the protectable private view from the living room, dining room, and patio of the residence located at 194 Nob Hill Lane would be completely blocked or significantly impaired by the requested Modification Permit.”

This will be a public hearing, and it’s what we call quasi-judicial — that is, there are rules of evidence, and we are required base our decision on the evidence. An analogy: instead of acting as legislators, we’ll be serving as judges.

So, I don’t have an opinion on this yet.

There are strict legal requirements for how we conduct a public hearing. We’ll disclose any ex parte communications — that is, any communications with anybody related to the either side of the hearing, or which might impact our decision. Anything that might affect a Councilmember’s decision has to go on the public record, so it can be challenged, and also so that other Councilmembers are aware of it.

The hearing will open, we’ll hear evidence, the public will have a chance to speak, we’ll have the opportunity to ask questions. Then the public hearing will close. That would be like the public trial is over, and the jury starts to deliberate, only we do that in public, too.

This is not how 98% of Council business is handled. When we have an upcoming item on pursuing a grant for homelessness, or whether to ban single use plastics, I can say very publicly how I feel about it. I can say ahead of time that I will or won’t support staff’s recommendation.

We also have updates on Council’s prior goals, and a look at where the budget stands, and changes to our CIP — our Capital Improvement Program. That’s our long range plan for streets and parks and sewer lines and those kinds of things.