Peter Goldenring, May 15, 8:50pm

From: G&P Attorneys <>
Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 8:50 PM
To: Bill Ayub <>
Cc: Council <>, Miles Hogan <>
Subject: -EXT- May 21 item 12

Dear Mr. Ayub:  Your staff report cites to a Stantec traffic study.  Kindly know that at no time has staff provided this study nor any drafts of it to any members of the public and certainly not to any of the property owners of the downtown closed proposed district.  The staff report doesn’t attach the full study and identifies an Exhibit A of some data, presumably prepared by staff and not the full report, and even that isn’t provided at this date.  There is simply some “promise” of it coming forth in a Supplemental.   The withholding of the Stantec report, something that staff presumably has intended to rely upon as shown by their staff report constitutes in my view, the utmost bad faith.  Clearly this report, presuming it exists in final form, should have been provided ages ago to the public, especially given staff’s reliance on it.   For staff to cite to a study, not attach it, not provide it, and then write in the staff report that it is the basis of the justification for this draconian action is beyond all comprehension.   I must respectfully demand that I and indeed the public be provided the full and complete Stantec report, not just what staff wants us to see, forthwith.

Very truly yours.

Peter A Goldenring

Pachowicz | Goldenring APLC 

6050 Seahawk St. 
Ventura, CA 93003 
(805) 642-6702 
Fax (805) 642-3145