Peter Goldenring, May 15, 6:55pm

From: G&P Attorneys <>
Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 6:55 PM
To: Bill Ayub <>
Cc: Joe Schroeder <>, Council <>
Subject: -EXT- 5/21 Staff Report Item 12

Dear Mr. Ayub:  I have just reviewed, albeit briefly, the Staff Report you have presented to council as above described.  I write this email as President of the Downtown Ventura Partners.  In your Staff Report you state to council that some future survey or similar is to proceed in a manner to be facilitated by the DVP.  This statement is without fact or approval.  Any such process would require the DVP Board to have presented to it such a proposal and then the Board would make an appropriate determination.   For you to bring DVP into your staff report in this manner is grossly misleading and without any foundation.  Please immediately revise your Staff Report to delete the reference to DVP.  Should you wish, you can comment that city staff may make such a request to the DVP Board and then the Board will make an appropriate determination.  But to try and draw DVP into the political process, without any communication, without any authorization, and without even any reach out by you or your staff in this regard to DVP is simply misleading.   

As to other comments, those will be forthcoming, but not in my capacity as President of DVP.

Very truly yours

Peter A Goldenring

Pachowicz | Goldenring APLC 

6050 Seahawk St. 
Ventura, CA 93003 
(805) 642-6702 
Fax (805) 642-3145